Sunday, November 13, 2011


This weekend Stacey and I went for a scenic drive up to wine country. We visited William Hill, Robert Sinskey, Clos du Val, and Rutherford Hill Wineries.

Outside tasting area at William Hill Winery

The views from William Hill Winery, overlooking the vineyard

We next stopped at Clos du Val for more beautiful scenery and lots of fall color.

We stopped in at Sunshine Foods in St Helena to grab some picnic lunch items, then headed up to Rutherford Hill Winery for a picnic in their olive grove. The weather was perfect for a leisurely lunch in the shade of the olive trees.

Finally, we stopped at Wine Country Chocolates in Glen Ellen for a box of the most delicious chocolates ever. We ended up with a box of pumpkin ganache, amaretto, coconut, and cinnamon + clover honey truffles. We ate them all before we could take a picture of them, so you'll have to use your imagination.

All of the photos from the day can be found here.


  1. So basically I use your photos for all my autumn wallpapers. I hope that's okay :D


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